BB La Casa Sul Sasso Rooms and kitchen


On the ground floor to the right of the entrance is the kitchen, which is available to all guests who want to prepare dishes independently. You can find the refrigerator, the induction burners and the microwave oven in addition to the traditional oven. Even the kettle is always available with fragrant herbal teas to relax in front of the stove, or on the bench in the courtyard, in the warmer months

In the kitchen there is a large wooden table that can accommodate up to 10 people, breakfast is served here in the morning but then the room remains available to guests all day. You can also drink and eat take-away food by watching Internet TV with programs in all languages.

More days packages
10% discount for bookings over 3 days.
  • B&B-La casa sul sasso-torta colazione
  • B&B-La casa sul sasso-armadio del 700
  • B&B-La casa sul sasso-panoramica sala colazione
  • B&B-La casa sul sasso-Sala colazione
  • B&B-La casa sul sasso-cucina colazione
  • B&B-La casa sul sasso-tavolo cucina
  • B&B-La casa sul sasso-Biscotti

River room

This room is 14mq and inspired to our river colors and blooming vegetation.
The wooden ceiling is still the ancient original one, the only one from the original building which survived the deep restoration process.
Two big windows fill the room with light, the room may host up to 4 guests, thanks to the folding bunk bed closed to the double one.
The sophisticated and elegant toilet with window and shower basin, is within the room for our guests privacy.

More days packages
10% discount for bookings over 3 days.

Lake room

This room is 14mq, inspired  to the colors of our beloved lake and the historical iron factories of the area around Lecco.
Furniture is therefore made out of wrought iron while the wooden ceiling recalls the ancient origin of the house, giving it a nice contrast effect.
The room has a double bed  and a foldable bunk bed and can host up to 4 guests,

The toilet without window, is nice and elegant with a shower in it, is within the room for our guests privacy.

More days packages
10% discount for bookings over 3 days.

Wind room

Room is 14mq, this is a warm colored and cozy room, the comfortable atmosphere is enhanced by the wooden ceiling and lintels, it is an attic room with a small balcony welcoming the sunlight.
With a wide cupboard within it, this room is perfect for a comfortable holiday on the lake side, with its shores and wonderful panorama.
The toilet is completed with a window, bathtub and a shower, with a very elegant touch and communicating with the room itself for our guests privacy.

More days packages
10% discount for bookings over 3 days.

Mountain room

This room is 14mq, with an elegant touch and colors, is a double room with a big cupboard suitable for longer staying.
The floor, the walls colors and the wooden lintels give the name to the room. stone, snow and cottage coziness recall the mountain atmosphere, sober and fascinating in the meantime.
The toilet without window, is one of sophisticated elegance, within the room for the privacy of our wonderful house guests.

More days packages
10% discount for bookings over 3 days.